

I have been obsessed with skincare and makeup since I was an early teen. I would drive my mom and sister nuts when we would go shopping at department stores because I never seemed to make it out of the cosmetics department. I have never lost the thrill of mixing colors and playing with makeup. I just find the artistry so fascinating when applied to the human canvas. There is no question that a "good canvas" requires proper skincare, and I am forever on a quest to find the best skincare products with the highest quality ingredients. This little blog is my search for the products that I love the most. I hope that you enjoy it!


  1. i just got to know your blog, cause i was browing for revlon lipbutter lipsticks reviews. and you have swatch pictures for all colores, so i loved you post. thank so much!&&

    1. You are so welcome, ELE!! I'm glad that you found my blog, and that you found the swatches helpful!!

  2. Wow, I like your comparison of makeup/ "creating a look" to our natural long-standing interest in art and portraits. Very cool and well-articulated too. :) Thanks for this blog!

  3. Wow, I like your comparison of makeup/ "creating a look" to our natural long-standing interest in art and portraits. Very cool and well-articulated too. :) Thanks for this blog!

    1. Hi Megan! Welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere! I'm so glad that you liked my comparison! More often than not, I have a tendency to use fine art as my point of departure-- probably an occupational hazard, but as far as I'm concerned the similarities are undeniable! Happy New Year! :)

  4. Thank you so much for making me deliriously happy with your review Lola! Your writing offers such deep and valuable insights - it is immensely gratifying to have my work so well understood and artfully explained. You obviously know how to choose a painting as well!
    xo Mandy

    1. It is beyond my pleasure. I am grateful that you feel as you do. That you feel as though I understand what you do is immensely gratifying to me. I am also honored that you find that my writing adequately describes your beautiful work! xoxox, Helen

  5. Thank you so much for making me deliriously happy with your review Lola! Your writing offers such deep and valuable insights - it is immensely gratifying to have my work so well understood and artfully explained. You obviously know how to choose a painting as well!
    xo Mandy

    1. You are such an inspiration to me, Mandy! I mean that from the bottom of my heart! <3

  6. can you please do an update skin care routine for products you use.

    1. Hi yaraa, Thanks for reaching out. Yes, I will start thinking about putting together a post about the products that I regularly use. I am testing out some new products right now-- so I am not using my regular go-to products. Once I get through the testing period and settle back into a more regular skin routine-- then I will have a better idea of what I will be using. Since I have such a large collection of skincare I do tend to rotate products based upon the needs of my skin at any given moment. That said, the two complete lines that I use with great frequency are Radical Skincare and The Organic Pharmacy. I also have a large stash of face oils that I rotate through-- so my skincare usage is probably a bit more diverse than that of a regular consumer. I test new products all of the time, and the ones that really resonate with me and work really well for my skin often end up in my personal daily skincare routine. I also don't necessarily use the same things in the day and night-- so I do tend to go for a good deal of variation. Keep an eye out for the post! Thanks for the wonderful suggestion.

  7. Hey how can I follow your blog? I can't find the option to anywhere I recently purchased the dermaquest b5 serum. Saw your review and started having a look around your blog wanted to follow

    1. Hi Penelope! Thank you for reaching out! If you look in the right column below the "REDBOOK" badge you will see the various ways to subscribe. The first is email, but then there are lots of social media choices, GFC, Bloglovin' and the various readers. You can choose your favorite way, or multiple ways to subscribe! Thanks for your interest! :-)

  8. Hi Lola! I don't ask with any negativity, I'm sincerely curious. Do you receive compensation for your reviews, are they 100% authentic opinion/findings, or a mixture of both, since the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive? I'm enjoying what I'm reading and like your vibe...just checking. Thanks for your reply! :)

    1. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me, and to ask that very valid question! I do not accept money to say what the companies would like to have said about their brands and products. I have only accepted a very few sponsored posts in the nearly 12 years of Lola's Secret Beauty Blog, and on those very rare occasions I stipulated that I would only provide objective product details, and clearly quote their claims, but that the review would be 100% my own, and that they could not edit, see it before it was published, or influence me in any way. I either purchase the products myself, or receive press samples, but I maintain complete control over what I publish. I also do not review everything that I receive, and if I don't like the products, or have a reaction to them they simply are never featured. I don't waste my time testing things I don't like, think are poor quality, or if there is anything that seems shady about the companies. I am pretty selective about what I feature, and try to feature things that I think my readers would like, but that I like as well. I am so happy that you like the vibe of LSBB, and I appreciate your question a lot!


I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you- so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, and to ask questions. Remember that what you have to say is of interest to all of us! Always feel free to email me directly as well. SPAM and advertising links will not be published.